DRDIP Visitors at the Sub Project Sites
DRDIP visitors from Ethiopia had an opportunity to visit various DRDIP Uganda supported projects in Oruchinga and Nakivale refugee Settlement within Isngiro district. Monica Myokutamba, the Oruchinga Settlement Commandant, revealed that there are 7407 refugees here. These are mainly; Congolese, Rwandese and Burundians. The projects visited within the refugee settlement includes: Goat trading, Briquette making and shoreline restoration. Nshungyezi Amani Goat Traders has 15 (08females, 07 males) members who are involved directly. It's newly funded and so, the beneficiaries have already erected shelter to start the business. Alongside goat keeping the group intend to venture into produce trading and production of energy saving stoves. The members also practice group savings having been trained and guided through what they refer to as five core principles: weekly savings; weekly meetings; interloaning; weekly repayment; and record keeping. DRDIP trained this group members...